This is a collection of pictures of space taken by me, Javier García.
Every time I take a new picture of space that looks nice, I will include it in this page.
I hope you enjoy it.
Table of Contents
I have a very humble equipment, which with I try to adapt in order to make the most out of it. Hopefully in a near future, I will be able to afford better equipment and capture better pictures of space.
I use a beginner telescope, which was gifted to me, over 6 years ago.
Lenses: 20 mm, 10 mm and 4 mm.
I use my every day phone, a Samsung A33
Camera: Up to 48 MP
Exposure: Up to 10 seconds
Here is the collection of images I have taken of space over time.
My first picture
This is my first ever picture of the Moon.
I pointed my telescope to the Moon and started taking pictures, pointing my phone through the lens.
The first 100 images were all a mess. The Moon was too bright. In order to fix this, I decided to set the exposure to the least time possible. It worked.
After 1000 images, I finally was able to take something that looked like the Moon.
What made this picture a real challenge, was the fact that I had to hold my phone still using only my hands. As soon as I moved it a millimeter away, the image was all dark.
Also, the lens of the telescope was dirty. That’s why there are some black particles all over the image.
It took me a few hours to get this shot, but I was very happy with the result.
Not bad for my first picture.